Thursday, December 2, 2010

Fields are closed

After the wettest spring and most miserable summer I can remember in Canberra, ACT Sportsgrounds has finally bit the bullet and closed fields. This means no organised sport on the fields until next week.

Now I know that some of you will want to get out and throw or whatever, and might be thinking of flaunting the field closures. While I understand the urge to throw is a pretty deeply ingrained instinct in frisbee players around the world, this is the chance to practise your self control.

Frisbee players already have a bad reputation for using closed fields with ACT Sportsgrounds, and the rangers and staff from the Sportsgrounds office DO actually look at their fields pretty often. I know you're just having an informal throw, but you'll make life harder for the brave and hardworking administrators who'll go in to make the next field booking for your next league/tournament/training.

Besides, they do their best to keep fields open and it has rained a complete boatload. This doesn't happen very often so I'm sure we can all wait it out.

And finally, this is a good chance to do some of the other stuff that most players don't get around to often enough. No, I'm not talking about washing your socks or talking to your loved ones. I'm talking about doing some injury prevention and recovery stuff. A solid investment in this stuff now will pay dividends when the sun finally comes out.

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