Sunday, October 3, 2010

Unigames is over

Just in case you were wondering, Unigames ended on Friday. In the top division Monash University (from Melbourne) won the final, edging out Sydney University in a close game (final score 11-9) and University of Western Australian beat Newcastle University for bronze. The ANU had a tough tournament, coming in 9th after losing all their games. I don't know what happened in the bottom division because I'm a shameless elitist, but you can look it up.

The ANU has done a great job of bringing new players into their club and getting people to a bunch of local tournaments. This is exciting stuff and represents a real shift away from the way things were done when I was there*. It's also stupendously expensive playing tournaments in Perth which thinned out their roster a bit.

The local rumour mill is suggesting that some ANU players might organise the annual Canberra hat tournament institution, Diskapital in November some time. If so, they'll get to keep some of the profits to help cover their tournament costs for other events during the year so get signed up and come along. We're currently waiting for fields so details and rego and all that stuff should be out soon.

* For those who are interested, the ANU used to just rely on people who were already playing ultimate signing up to study there and recruit a few players around the edges to fill in the gaps. While this strategy worked for a while it's great to see the club actually recruiting new players and trying to build a fun atmosphere for new players to improve and meet people and all that good stuff. It's what a uni club should be.

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