Thursday, April 14, 2011

Bashionals this weekend

Believe it or not, this seemly quiet weekend is actually a really important moment for club level frisbee in Australia. Several years ago, a set of regional qualification tournaments were set up to trim down the number of teams attending nationals to a maximum of 16 in each division (things had been getting very big and unwieldy, especially in the open division, before that). For some open teams, the new regional tournaments have become the end of their season. If they didn't qualify for nationals, there were no more tournaments for them for the year.

This weekend, a new national tournament is being run for the teams that didn't make it to nationals. As with all these things, in its first year it's a pretty small and low key affair. But hopefully as more players come into club level ultimate and competition for nationals spaces becomes fiercer, this tournament will give an increasing number of teams a great goal for their season. After several years on the drawing board, Bashionals has come to life. Hopefully, from here it will just get bigger and better.

This year the ACT will be represented at Bashionals by Conquer or Quit. I had the great pleasure of joining in for a few of their drills last night and they're a really exciting team to be flying the flag for Canberra. I'm sure they'll have a great time in Melbourne and it will be really interesting to see how they go. Hopefully some kind of twitter-hashtagy thing will pop up to keep us all posted on their progress. This is real low-fi ultimate - no fancy shirts, sports medicated diet plans or business class flights here (a bunch of the guys are driving to Melbourne for the weekend). If ever you've wanted to get involved in tournaments teams like this are an awesome way to get hooked.

Good luck boys! Hopefully we'll get a write-up from someone when they get back (hint hint).

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