Friday, May 6, 2011

Congratulations Erik jan Lindeboon

For those who are unaware. AFDA has a new "Volunteer of the Month" program which recognizes the efforts of Ultimate players across Australia. As far as I am aware, no ACT player has been award since it was establishsed around two years ago, so huge congratulations go to Erik, Canberra's very own water boy and very first Canberra "AFDA Volunteer of the Month". To bad we didn't get someone nominated earlier, I think previous Volunteers were awarded $50 Rebel Sport vouchers, so that they could buy, like, a pair of sports socks! (note, this is not a dig at afda, I think the vouchers are/ were great and wouldn't turn my nose up at one, I'm just depressed after attempting- and failing-to buy a new pair of skins. Why is it that when you put the word "sport" in front of something, it automatically costs like 10 times as much?)

I quote from the afda trashtalk article, which I assume is quoting from whoever nomiated Erik:

"Erik Lindeboom took time off his PhD to come and support Fyshwick United and Factory Ultimate run regionals and BCI. Erik worked tirelessly over both weekends to ensure that fields always had water, that shade tents were put up and put down and all the other tasks that the TDs gave him. He also billeted a number of interstate travelers. While doing all that he still managed to find time to support Fyshwick in his great get-up including Fyshwick shirt, cape and hat."

You can check out the full write-up on

I have to say, refilling my water bottle at both of the touraments became a one of each day's highlights: I could look forward to a hilariously mis-spelt, gramatically incorrect, but very touching message advising players to drink up, play hard, and call a certain mobile number for refills (and good times).

Thanks for your efforts Erik, I've got your number on speed-dial now.

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